See first-hand how we can help you to save time, save money and generate better client outcomes.
Join us for a 1-hour whistle-stop tour of Timeline's cutting-edge planning software and low cost, discretionary model portfolio service. We'll show you a number of the key features of both sides of our offering so you have a good understanding of how we can support you.
All of our Timeline Tour sessions will be recorded. This way we can distribute what we've covered to you, the attendee, creating sustainable learning and supporting assets.
All Timeline Tours will be running monthly, meaning there will be ample opportunities to grab a slot. Multiple bookings are welcome if you need a little more info from us.
So unlike our regular Masterclass, our tours will be more intimate, in the form of a Zoom Meeting rather than a Zoom Webinar. Meaning we can deliver a better personal experience.
All of our Timeline Tour sessions will be recorded. This way we can distribute what we've covered to you, the attendee, creating sustainable learning and supporting assets.
All Timeline Tours will be running monthly, meaning there will be ample opportunities to grab a slot. Multiple bookings are welcome if you need a little more info from us.
So unlike our regular Masterclass, our tours will be more intimate, in the form of a Zoom Meeting rather than a Zoom Webinar. Meaning we can deliver a better personal experience.
©2023 Timeline Holdings Ltd. All rights reserved. Timeline Planning is a product of Timelineapp Tech Limited. Registered in England. RC: 11405676.
Timeline Portfolios Ltd (formerly Betafolio) is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority. FCA No. 840807. Past performance is no guarantee of future return. The value of investments and the income from them can go down as well as up. You may get back less than you invest. Transaction costs, taxes and inflation reduce investment returns.
Timeline, 50 Liverpool Street, London, London EC2M 7PY, United Kingdom, 020 3427 5467.